Meet Dr. Edmund Abaka

Did history seem irrelevant to you when you were in school? Perhaps you may even feel that way now. Well, meet a man who puts all those facts and dates into perspective…Dr. Edmund Abaka. This educator, consultant and journalist totally smashes the mold of the typical 'history master'. His educational pursuits have taken him from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana, where he earned a BA (Hon.), to Canada, where he received his MA in European History and a Ph.D. in African History.

Currently, as an Assistant Professor of African History, Dr. Abaka teaches Western Civilization at the University of Miami. He brings a world of knowledge into gaining knowledge of the world. A man with a passion for educating others, Dr. Abaka has taught in a plethora of institutions. He ministered at the University of Ghana Institute of Adult Education; the University of Cape Coast; University of Guelph; York University and the University of Miami.

Edmund Abaka is a well-written fellow as well. He has published a number of articles on the Rwandan Crisis in Refuge magazine and a feature article on kola nuts in the Ghana Studies Journal. He has a number of forthcoming articles in the Cambridge History of Food and Nutrition and the Encyclopedia of African History. He is currently working on four manuscripts: The impact of Africa on Latin America and the Caribbean; Booklongs, Moneymakers; The Hausa Diaspora in Ghana; and Kola is God's Gift: The Asante and Gold Coast Kola industry 1815-1940, which has been completed.

Part of Abaka's spare time is taken up by research for lawyers, and writing articles for community newspapers in Canada (Pan African Times and Pride) and in the United States (Asante). He also writes for television and radio. He directs and does scripting for the GBC/Akwaaba Afrique Music 4 U program, while writing commentaries for the radio show Akwaaba Afrique on CHRY 105.5 FM.

Dr. Abaka is a beacon in the world of liberal arts, showing what can be done with drive, determination and direction.

Edmund Abaka, kudos to you!

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