Dr. Paul Mensah
In a world where most people are concerned with status and recognition,
it is very seldom that we meet a person with a sense of modesty. It is
therefore with great pleasure that we introduce to you Paul Mensah. He
is actually Dr. Mensah, but prefers to keep a low profile and, well, not
get caught up in his title.
His background is typical of, or at least similar to a growing number
of Ghanaian youth. He was born and raised in Ghana, where he attended
St. Augustine's College at Cape Coast during his formative years. He describes
his first and only year there as one where he was "very much homoed and
beaten" (I'm sure many of us former boarding school students can relate
to that). He believes he would have become a 'wicked' senior as well,
had he stayed. Paul finished up his high school education in the Bronx,
NY. He then went on to Cornell University where he gained a BS in chemical
engineering. After that feat, he went on to earn a Ph.D. from the University
of Virginia.
Paul now channels all of those years of physical duress and an awesome
education into a rewarding career. He is currently working as a research
scientist at Pfizer Global R&D, a reputable international research and
development company in Groton, CT.
And although we applaud his efforts at modesty, it must be said...
Dr. Mensah, kudos to you!
Are you a Ghanian Professional? Do you want to tell us about yourself?
Send a brief statement about your professional career, educational background,
and anything of interest and a passport size photograph to us immediately!
Send submissions to:
P.O. Box 286
Hampton, VA 23669.
Send email to: AGSP_USA@yahoo.com